Wednesday, May 01, 2019

Passionate Mango Sorbet - Passionerad mangosorbet

Passionerad mangosorbet

The mix of mango and passionfruit is incredibly delicious and each time I make this I thank my beloved tía Teresa (my Spanish aunt) for giving me my ice cream maker in the 80s. That way I won't have to wait so long to eat the sorbet I make!

Serves 4

2 ripe mangoes
4 passionfruits
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
2½ oz sugar
0.6 cup water
1 to 2 egg whites

Peel the mangoes and remove the large whatever it's called - stone? Split the passionfruits and scoop out all the pulp. Put the pulp in a food processor or mixer and make a puré.

Pour lemon juice, sugar and water in a saucepan and warm enough for the sugar to melt. Stir this liquid into the passionfruit and allow to cool. Pour the mixture in a freezer-proof container, cover, close and freeze until firm. Stir once or twice. OR use an ice cream maker!

If you want to - I Always do that - you can beat 1 to 2 egg whites until stiff and fluffy. Fold them into the fruit puré when it has started to freeze. This prevents ice crystals in the sorbet and makes it airier.

Leave in room temperature for about 15 minutes before serving so that the sorbet softens up a little.



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