Friday, January 01, 2021

Almond Cuts - Mandelsnitt


24 cookies

Shortcrust dough:
1 cup flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
0.4 cup sugar
5.3 oz butter or margarine
1 egg yolk

3½ oz almonds
0.8 cup powdered sugar
1 egg white
red household coloring

1.2 cup powdered sugar
2 tablespoons water

Preheat oven to 437F.

Work flour, baking powder, sugar, butter and egg yolk together to a dough. Leave in the fridge for about 1 hour.

Skin and grind the almonds, or buy the almond already done like I do. Stir it with powdered sugar and egg white and color it light red.

Split the dough in two and roll them out on baking paper, approx 4 inches wide. Spread the filling on the dough plates and roll up. Wrap the rolls up loosely in baking paper and bake for 10 minutes. "Unroll" the paper and allow to cool.

Chop the almonds and color it red in a plastic bag, Stir the icing together and ice the rolls. Sprinkle with almonds and leave to set. Cut in diagonal pieces.

(My English is very insufficient for this recipe, but I hope I make some sort of sense anyway.)



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