Friday, January 01, 2021

Salmon Fillet with Cheese and Dill Topping - Laxfilé med ost- och dilltopping

Laxfilé med ost- och dilltopping

Serves 4

2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 lb 12 oz potatoes
0.4 cup white wine
0.4 cup water
1 tablespoon concentrated fish fond
salt, pepper
2 spring onions
5.3 oz cream cheese
3 tablespoons chopped dill
1 lb 8 oz salmon fillets, skinned
8.8 oz asparagus
0.8 cup heavy cream
fresh juice from 1 lemon

Dab out the butter in the bottom of an oven-proof pot with a lid that can take the heat. Peel and slice the potatoes in thick slices and cover the bottom with them. Add wine, water and fond and flavor with salt and pepper. Thinly slice the spring onions and sprinkle them over the surface. 

Stir together dill and cream cheese and spread it onto the salmon fillets. Place the fish in the pot and put the lid on. Place the pot in the cold oven, turn it on to 392F and cook for 45 minutes.

Boil the asparagus until tender in salted water. Take it up and reserve 0.8 cup water. Mix asparagus and water. Pour the asparagus back in the saucepan and add cream. Bring to a boil and flavor to taste with salt, pepper and lemon juice.

Serve with the fish.



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