Saturday, January 09, 2021

Mushroom Rolls with Herb Creme - Champinjondolmar med örtcreme

Champinjondolmar med örtcreme

Serves approx 4

1 pak choi
14 oz mushrooms (champignons)
1 fennel
vegetable bouillon
salt, pepper

Herb creme:
0.8 cup low-fat creme fraiche
0.2 cup chopped chives
1 spring onion, finely chopped
1 garlic clove
salt, pepper

Loosen the pak choi leaves and cut the roughest part off. Pre-cook in lightly salted water for about ½ minute and drain. Trim and slice mushrooms, trim and dice the fennel. Sauté the fennel in some fat for a couple of minutes, add mushrooms and continue until all liquid is gone. Add a small dab of butter and continue cooking for another minute. Flavor with salt and pepper.

Place approx 1 tablespoonful of this mixture on each cabbage leaf, fold in and roll up. Place them, seamside down, in a shallow, wide saucepan. Pour on enough bouillon to half cover the rolls, put a lid on and simmer over low heat for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Mix creme fraiche with chopped chives, finely chopped spring onion and crushed garlic. Flavor to taste with salt and pepper. 

Serve the rolls with the herb creme and bread, and boiled rice if you so desire.



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