Monday, January 04, 2021

Orange Fromage with Grapefruit - Apelsinfromage med grapefrukt

Apelsinfromage med grapefrukt

Serves 6

4 gelatin sheets
or 2 teaspoons gelatin powder
2 oranges
2 eggs
0.8 cup powdered sugar
0.8 cup heavy cream

1 red grapefruit
lemon balm

Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water for 5 minutes, or do as you normally do with the powder. Scrub the oranges, grate off the zest and squeeze out the juice. Separate the eggs. Beat egg yolks and powdered sugar until white and fluffy. Add orange zest. Beat the egg whites until stiff in another bowl.

Squeeze out excess liquid from the soaked gelatin sheets and melt them in a little orange juice. Blend them and remaining juice into the egg yolk mixture. Beat the cream until semi-stiff and gently stir it into the egg batter. Last, gently stir in the whites.

Distribute the batter into serving glasses and leave in the fridge for about 4 hours. Decorate with skinless grapefruit wedges and top with lemon balm.



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