Sunday, January 03, 2021

Passionfruit Parfait - Passionsfruktsparfait


Serves 8

½ cup passionfruit juice
(approx 7 fruits)
3 eggs, separated
2 tablespoons powdered sugar
0.2 cup sugar
1.2 cup heavy cream

Chocolate sauce:
1 tablespoon butter
1½ tablespoon cocoa
1 tablespoon molasses
2 tablespoons sugar
0.4 cup heavy cream

For serving:

Split the passionfruits and scoop out the pulp. Push trough a sieve so that the hard pips don't get in the juice. You should have slightly more than ½ cup. Beat egg yolks and powdered sugar until fluffy. Beat the egg whites with sugar to a stiff foam. Beat the cream.

Stir the passionfruit juice into the egg yolk mixture. Stir in the cream and blend well. Gently stir in the egg whites, pour the batter in a pan and leave in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

Chocolate sauce:
Melt the butter in a saucepan and stir in the cocoa. Add molasses, sugar and cream and boil the sauce for a few minutes. 

Serve with fruit and warm chocolate sauce.



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