Monday, January 04, 2021

Mashed Roots with Fried Onions - Rotmos med helstekt lök

Rotmos med helstekt lök

Serves 1

1 small rutabaga (swede)
1 small carrot
1½ potatoes
½ teaspoon salt
2 cups water
2 tablespoons low-fat creme fraiche
5 or 6 small red onions
chopped parsley

Peel rutabaga, carrot and potatoes and cut them in pieces. Pour 6 cups water and ½ teaspoon salt in a saucepan and boil rutabaga and carrot for about 20 minutes, over low heat and covered. Add potatoes and boil for another 20 minutes or until everything is tender. Pour off the water but reserve some. Mash the roots and dilute with the reserved water to a consistency you like. Add creme fraiche and flavor to taste with salt and pepper.

Peel the onions and pre-cook in some lightly salted water for a few minutes. Pour off the water and fry the onions over low heat in 1 teaspoon butter or margarine until the onions are tender. Sprinkle the mashed roots with chopped parsley and serve with the onions.



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