Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Baked chocolate mousse - Bakad chokladmousse

Bakad chokladmousse

Chocolate mousse normally means a cold dessert, but try this baked version! If you can’t eat it all up while it’s fresh from the oven it can very well be stored in the fridge and eaten cold.

6 oz dark chocolate
1/4 cup heavy cream
3 eggs
1/4 cup sugar

Melt chocolate and cream together in a bowl in the microwave or over a hot waterbath. Let cool well, for about 30 minutes or so – the chocolate mustn't be too hot when you fold in the remaining ingredients or it will curdle.

Separate the eggs. Beat the whites until stiff together with the pinch of salt. Use a stainless steel bowl and make sure everything is perfectly clean and dry. Add sugar and continue beating until even more stiff and foamy.

Stir the yolks and turn them into the egg whites. Gently add the egg batter to the melted chocolate and stir until fluffy. Pour the mousse in an oven-proof dish of about 1 litre (1 ¾ pts, 4 cups) and bake in the lower part of the oven at 350F for about 12 minutes. The filling should be set but still pretty sticky.

Allow to cool or enjoy it fresh from the oven with lightly whipped cream or ice cream. It keeps well for several days if stored in the fridge and can also be eaten cold, as I said above. As for me, I can eat it anytime, any way and anywhere …



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