Thursday, May 07, 2015

Rhubarb strawberry soup - Rabarberkallskål


The soup is made from rhubarbs and is a fresh and delightful dessert. Serve with sliced strawberries across the surface and a dab of cream which rounds it off perfectly. This is one of my all-time favourite desserts and from the beginning it came from one of those recipe cards that everyone collected back then.

4 servings

1 lb trimmed rhubarbs
1 ¾ cups water
3 tablespoons sugar
1½ teaspoon Maizena
1 tablespoon vanilla sugar
3 tablespoons water

For serving:
½ lb fresh strawberries
1 tablespoon sugar
2/3 cup heavy cream

Cut the trimmed rhubarbs in approx ½ inch pieces. Put them in a saucepan with water
and sugar, cover and boil for about 15 minutes. Mix Maizena, vanilla sugar and water in a small bowl. Pour the thickening into the boiling rhubarbs while beating, then bring to a boil but not boil any more afterwards. Pour the soup in a bowl and put in a cool place.

Rinse, trim and slice the strawberries. Put them on a plate and sprinkle with sugar, then leave to draw while the soup is cooling.

Serve the soup in 4 small dessert bowls and sprinkle sliced strawberries on top. Beat the cream to your liking (I like it lightly whipped) and spoon it up in the bowls just before serving, or serve it separately.



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