Monday, May 25, 2015

The lovely pork stew - Den goda fläskgrytan (retro)

Den goda fläskgrytan

This is delicious, that's all I can say!

4 servings

1 lb shoulder of pork
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
2 onions
1 red bell pepper
3½ oz fresh mushrooms
or corresponding amount of canned mushrooms
1 can small, whole carrots
salt, white pepper
1 teaspoon thyme
1 ¼ cups bouillon
2 apples

2 tablespoons flour
1/3 to ¾ cup white or red cooking wine

Cut the meat in small pieces or slice it, then brown in hot fat. Transfer to a pot, brown the onions lightly in the pan and also sautée the shredded bell pepper, mushrooms and carrots before putting them in with the meat. Flavour with salt, pepper and thyme.

Add bouillon, cover and let simmer slowly until the meat is tender. Add the apples, peeled and cut in wedges, towards the end of the cooking time. Thicken the juice from the pot with some flour and flavour to taste with cooking wine.

Serve with boiled rice or potatoes and a salad.



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