Monday, May 25, 2015

Pink yogurt peach soup - Rosa persikosoppa med yoghurt

Rosa persikosoppa med yoghurt

I first got this recipe from one of the American food lists I was on at Yahoo about 15 years ago (OMG, is it really that long …). It looked so good I had to try it at once and since it was in the summer, out I went to buy peaches and strawberries and stuff that was needed. And we fell in love with this dessert soup here at home. I had to change the measurements to Swedish of course, but it turned out just perfect. And as it was very hot that summer, and the soup is filling and rich, we practically lived on it when we didn’t feel like cooking in the heat. I also remember taking two huge containers of it to the mail terminal (where I was working then) and served to my team colleagues for the long break on a very, very hot evening.

I’m afraid I haven’t got a picture of this, but I think you get it anyway. The peaches have to be fresh, it’s not the same glorious result at all with canned peaches, but the berries can be frozen and thawed. You can also substitute with nectarines and raspberries. Do whatever you like, but make sure you try this recipe!!!

Makes approx 8 cups

2 cups fresh strawberries or raspberries
(you can use frozen too, as I said above)
2 fresh peaches, peeled and pitted (must be fresh)
1/3 cup fresh orange juice
1/3 cup plain yogurt, preferably 3% fat and not too "sharp"
3 tablespoons sugar (if necessary, or sugar to taste –
sometimes you need more, sometimes less, and the
fruit and berries and juice are sweet themselves)
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
some nutmeg if you like that (I don’t)

Rinse and trim the strawberries and slice or cut in pieces. Cut the peaches in pieces as well. 

When I make this soup, I make it in two steps. I put half of the strawberries and peaches in the mixer or food processor, pour in half the yogurt, and all of the orange and lemon juice. Then I process until everything is puréed and well blended. Try to avoid larger pieces of fruit in the soup.

I pour the soup in a suitable container, then I repeat the procedure with remaining fruit and berries and blend well. I sweeten the soup afterwards, when I’ve tasted it and see if it needs any sugar at all. If the peaches and strawberries are sweet enough, I don’t add any sugar.

Then the soup needs to be chilled for at least 3 hours before serving. It should be ice cold when you eat it and then it has also thickened slightly. I sometimes put it in the freezer for a while but not until it’s completely frozen, and then take it out when the food is served so it can be served at a perfect temperature for dessert.

Enjoy – oh, I hope you do!



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