Friday, May 15, 2015

Sweet and sticky lemon cake - Söt och syrlig citronkladdkaka

Söt och syrlig citronkladdkaka

Sweet meets sharp in a sticky combination. A lovely, fresh lemon sticky cake, easy to make in a roasting pan!

1 cake, approx 20 pieces

7 oz butter or margarine
3 eggs
1½ cups sugar
1½ teaspoons vanilla sugar
1 ¼ cups flour
1½ lemon

powdered sugar

For serving:
lightly whipped Cream

Heat the oven to 350F. Line a small roasting pan, approx 8 x 10 inches, with baking paper.

Melt the fat and cool to lukewarm. Beat eggs and sugar white and fluffy. Sift the vanilla sugar and flour into the mixture. Finely grate the lemon zest, squeeze out the juice and add this. Gently stir until smooth. Add the fat and stir again until smooth.

Pour the batter in the pan and bake in the lower part of the oven for about 35 minutes. Sift with some powdered sugar when the cake has cooled, then cut in squares.

Serve this cake preferably the same day it’s baked, with some whipped cream.



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