Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Lime creme biscuits - Biskvier med limekräm

Biskvier med limekräm

Sweet little pastries, perfect for the after dinner coffee.

20 pastries

9 oz almond paste
1 egg white

1/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup water
3 egg yolks
5 oz butter or margarine
grated zest and juice from 1 lime
5 oz white chocolate

Heat the oven to 350F.

Coarsely grate the almond paste, add the egg whites, little by little, and mix to a batter. Shape into 20 round balls and roll them in sugar. Put them on a paper-lined baking plate and bake in the middle of the oven for 8 minutes. Allow to cool.

Bring sugar and water to a thick, syrupy liquid. Remove from heat and beat in egg yolks, lime juice and zest. Allow to cool and then add the fat in dabs, while beating. Spread the crème generously on the bottom side of the cakes and put in the freezer for an hour.

Melt the chocolate and dip the cakes in that. Leave to set, then decorate with lime or lemon zest.



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