Saturday, May 09, 2015

Passionfruit cake - Passionsfruktkaka


Makes 1 cake

Bottom shortcrust layer:
1 ¼ cups flour
2 tablespoons sugar
4 oz butter or margarine
1 egg yolk

3 eggs
¾ cup sugar
pulp and juice from 2 passionfruits
¾ cup heavy cream
2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar

2 to 3 passionfruits
powdered sugar if desired

Chop flour, sugar and fat together to a crumbly mixture (you can very well make the dough in a food processor). Add the egg yolk and work to a dough. Press it out in a springform pan, diameter approx 9 inches, and store cold for at least 30 minutes. Heat the oven to 390F. In our oven, which has a mind of its own, we have to keep a close check when we’re baking. Today, I had to put a baking plate in the oven to prevent the surface of the cake from getting too dark, but it’s not so all the time … Sigh.

Filling: Beat eggs and sugar until really light and fluffy. Split the 2 passionfruits and scoop out the pulp and as much juice as possible. Don’t forget to breathe in that marvellous smell! Stir this into the egg batter together with remaining ingredients, pour the filling in the shortcrust shell and bake in the lower part of the oven – in our oven it takes about 45 minutes for it to be done, but in your oven it can very well be different. Sorry for not being able to be more exact …

Allow the cake to cool, then decorate with the pulp from the passionfruits and sift with powdered sugar if you wish. Serve with vanilla ice cream or whipped cream.



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