Saturday, May 09, 2015

"Vacuum cleaners" - Dammsugare


Another Swedish coffee shop favourite – and also this one with a taste of sweet arrack punsch. They are said to be easy to make if you have cookies that you can crumble. Here they have used a mix of oat biscuits and chocolate cookies. I’ve never made them myself for some reason, but I do like to have them when I’m out … Oh, I should say that the name is because of their shape, they look a bit like an old-fashioned vacuum cleaner.

Approx 20 vacuum cleaners

1 lb crumbled cookies of your choice
5 oz butter or margarine, room-tempered
¼ cup cocoa
1/3 cup sweet arrack punsch
some potato starch
1 lb marzipan, the traditional is green
but you can also use yellow or pink - I might eat a 
pink vacuum cleaner, but no way I’ll eat a blue one!)

7 oz dark chocolate

Mix the cookies in a food processor to a nice crumble. Add fat, cocoa and punsch and mix to a thick batter. Fill it in a piping bag.

Colour the marzipan with the colour of your choice. Dust some potato starch over your work surface and roll the marzipan out to a rectangle, approx 14 x 18 inches and very, very thin (2 millimeters). Cut in 3 long stripes, approx 4 inches wide. Pipe the filling in the middle of the stripes and fold the marzipan around the filling. Place the rolls “seamside down”. Cut the rolls in pieces, about 2½ inches long and leave in the fridge for about 30 minutes.

Melt the chocolate over a hot waterbath and dip both ends of the vacuum cleaners in it. Put on a baking paper and leave in the fridge to set.



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