Friday, May 15, 2015

Egg cheese from Bohuslän - Bohuslänsk äggost

Bohuslänsk äggost

This is the ”national dish” of the region of Bohuslän. It should traditionally be served with blackberry jam and nothing else. There’s plenty of blackberries growing alongside the Bohus coast and out on the islands and skerries. You really should have the typical äggost moulds, but they cost a fortune and I don’t think the taste gets any less better if you use whichever mould you have.

6 servings

8 cups regular milk
6 eggs
¾ cup soured milk
¼ cup sugar

Heat the milk to 140F. Beat the eggs with the soured milk and beat this into the hot milk. Continue on medium heat for 30 to 60 minutes, until it curdles. Stir slowly now and then, because the milk mustn’t boil. Remove the saucepan from heat and allow to cool, lid on, for about 20 minutes.

Put a straining cloth/kitchen towel in a colander or an äggost mould, a mould with very small holes in it. Gently spoon up the cheese mixture with a perforated ladle. First you put a layer of cheese, then sprinkle with some of the sugar, and repeat this three times.

Store the egg cheese cold for a few hours, preferably overnight, until all the whey has been strained. Unmould the egg cheese and serve with fresh blackberries or blackberry jam.



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