Thursday, May 07, 2015

Yummy shortcrust raspberry squares - Smarriga mördegsrutor med hallon

Smarriga mördegsrutor med hallon

These scrumptious shortcrust squares just melt in your mouth. 

Makes approx 60 small squares

Shortcrust dough:
2 2/3 cups flour
3/4 cup sugar
1½ teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
9 oz butter or margarine
1 egg

2/3 to ¾ cup raspberry jam

Heat the oven to 390F.

Blend together the ingredients for the shortcrust dough, in a food processor if you have. Don’t over-mix the dough in the food processor, just let it “get together”. Wrap it up in plastic foil and leave in a cool place for about 30 minutes.

Leave about ¼ of the dough in the fridge. Roll the rest out on a baking paper to a rectangle of about 12 x 16 inches.

Filling: Spread the jam over the shortcrust dough.

Roll out remaining ¼ of the dough and cut in small stripes. Put them on the cake in a pattern as shown on the picture below. Bake in the middle of the oven for about 15 minutes. Allow to cool, then cut in squares.



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