Sunday, May 31, 2015

Warm couscous salad with lime sauce - Varm couscoussallad med limesås

Varm couscoussallad med limesås

Couscous can really count as instant food. Try this crunchy version with cashews and broccoli. The sauce adds the finishing touch.

4 servings

1 ¾ cups couscous
1 ¾ cups vegetable bouillon
2 leeks
14 oz broccoli
2 tablespoons butter or margarine
1 teaspoon herbal salt
1/3 cup cashews (yum yum!)

Lime sauce:
¾ cup low-fat crème fraîche
grated zest and juice from 1 lime
salt, pepper

Bring the bouillon to a boil, stir in the couscous and let them only just boil up. Put a lid on, remove the saucepan from heat and let the couscous expand for 6 minutes.

Cut the leek and the broccoli in pieces. Sautée the veggies in the butter or margarine in a pot and pour on some water. Let boil for a few minutes. Add the veggies with their buttery “sauce” to the couscous and also add herbal salt and cashews.

Mix crème fraîche and lime zest and juice. Flavour with salt and pepper and serve the couscous with the sauce.



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