Thursday, May 07, 2015

Iced mango soup with sorbet - Isad mangosoppa med sorbet

Isad mangosoppa med sorbet

A colourful, fresh dessert soup made of sweet mango – it will only take you a minute (well, maybe a little longer …). If you want to be even more luxurious, you can add a splash of bubbly white wine when serving. Top with some raspberries and, if you have one in your back pocket (Swedish expression, sorry, meaning if you happen to have one at hand!) also serve a nice, chocolaty, sticky brownie with it …

4 servings

½ lb frozen, diced mango
3 tablespoons powdered sugar
2/3 cup water
zest and juice from 1 lime
1/3 cup sparkling white wine
2 cups mango sorbet
1/3 cup fresh or frozen thawed raspberries

Mix half-thawed mango, powdered sugar, water, lime zest and juice to a smooth soup. Pour it into serving glasses and top with sparkling wine if you wish. Add a ball of mango sorbet and serve immediately with raspberries and something chocolaty (if you have it in your back pocket, where it will be half-melted and disagreeable). :-D


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