Monday, May 25, 2015

Falukorvskolijox (retro)


The ”kolijox” is a word that I’ve conveniently borrowed from the author of Pippi Långstrump, Astrid Lindgren. There is no proper name for this and so I thought that “kolijox” is as good a name as anything. It’s a sort of hotchpotch with a little of this, a little of that and it was served a lot during my childhood – it was quick, cheap and filling. Mum always had to think of that since we had to manage on her paycheck when we were children.

4 servings

10 oz Falu sausage or the like
2 onions, finely chopped
10 potatoes
1 ¾ oz butter or margarine
salt, white pepper
4 raw egg yolks
chopped parsley

Dice the potatoes evenly in size. Fry until crisp, golden and tender in the fat and flavour with salt and pepper. Sauté the onion in some fat, add the shredded sausage and brown. Spread out the raw-fried potatoes on a warm serving plate.

Serve as in the picture, with sausage and chopped parsley in “stripes” on the potato bed. Decorate with raw egg yolks in their shells. If you want an extra kick you can serve some chili sauce separately for each one to decide.

Retro, retro, retro! :-D



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