Saturday, May 23, 2015

Orange cheesecake - Apelsincheesecake


A festive dessert, where you can substitute orange with lemon.

1 cake, 8 pieces

½ oz digestives
1 ¾ oz butter or margarine

4 gelatin sheets = 2 teaspoons powdered gelatin
2 eggs
14 oz cream cheese
¾ cup crème fraîche
2/3 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
grated zest and juice from 1 orange

orange slices

Crumble the digestives. Melt the fat and mix with the crumbles. Press out in the bottom of a greased, baking paper-lined springform pan, diameter approx 10 inches. Store cold.

Soak the gelatin in cold water for about 10 minutes. Separate the eggs. Mix egg yolks, cream cheese, crème fraîche, sugar, vanilla sugar and orange zest and stir until smooth. Beat the egg whites until stiff and gently turn them into the batter.

Heat up the orange juice in a saucepan and remove from heat. Squeeze the gelatin and melt them in the juice, allow to slightly cool and the pour the gelatin in a narrow stream into the cheese batter. Pour in the pan and smoothen out the surface. Cover and store in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

Take it out and open up the pan. Decorate with fruit when serving.



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