Saturday, May 23, 2015

Marie's fish stew - Maries fiskgryta

Maries fiskgryta

This is a truly delicious fish stew, that I had for the first time at Marie’s place. Marie is the conductor of our chorus, the Gothia Show Chorus, and for a few years we sang in the same quartet. She knew, of course, about my allergy so she made mine on the side, in a separate saucepan, but I give you the complete, unchanged recipe. It was so good I didn’t even think of taking a picture … so you have to take my word for it.

4 servings

3/4 lb fresh fillet of cod
10 oz fresh fillet of salmon
½ leek
½ onion
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
1 garlic clove
1½ teaspoon tomato paste
1½ teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon basil
1 cup dry white wine
1½ fish bouillon cube
1 cup cream, approx 15% fat
1/3 cup low-fat crème fraîche
¾ cup water
10 oz un-peeled shrimp
1 can mussels, 5 oz

Use fresh fish. Rinse and trim the leek. Peel and slice the onion. Melt the fat in a large pot. Sautée the onion, crush the garlic clove therein and add tomato paste, salt, thyme and basil. Sautée for a little while. Add wine and bouillon cubes and boil for a couple of minutes.

Add cream, crème fraîche and water and simmer for about 15 minutes. Cut the fish in smaller pieces, approx 2 inches. Put them in the pot – first the salmon, then the cod. Simmer for about 7 minutes.

Peel the shrimp and add them and the mussels. Quickly heat through and serve at once with a warm baguette and aioli.



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