Thursday, May 07, 2015

Passionfruit cheesecake - Passionsfruktcheesecake


Passionfruit is one of my absolute favourite fruits and I’m so happy my kidney transplant does not stop me from eating them. I lost the grapefruits, but that I’ve learned to live with.

14 to 16 pieces

Chocolate layer:
7 oz chocolate chip cookies
1/4 cup oatmeal
3½ oz soft butter or margarine

7 oz cream cheese
1/4 cup powdered sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla sugar
grated zest from 1 lime
4 passionfruits
1 ¼ cup heavy cream

Lemon curd:
fresh juice from 2 lemons
3/4 cup sugar
2 eggs
1/2 oz soft butter or margarine

1 to 2 passionfruits
mini meringues

Crumble the cookies and oatmeal together in a food processor and mix with the really soft butter or margarine. Squeeze out the dough in a 10 inch springform pan and put in the fridge.

Filling: Beat cream cheese, powdered sugar, vanilla sugar and lime zest. Add the passionfruit pulp, beat the cream and fold it in. Pour the filling onto the cake layer and leave in the fridge for at least 4 hours.

Lemon curd: Mix lemon juice, sugar and eggs in a saucepan. Let simmer, not boil, until thick. Remove from heat. Add the fat in dabs while stirring to a smooth mixture. Allow to cool. Pour the lemon curd onto the set filling and put back in the freezer.

Take out and put in room temperature about 30 minutes before serving. Decorate with mini meringues and passionfruit pulp.



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