Thursday, December 31, 2020

Raspberry Apple Tiramisú - Hallon- och äppeltiramisú

Hallon- och äppeltiramisú

Serves approx 8

1.6 cups heavy cream
3 tablespoons sugar
1½ teaspoon vanilla sugar
7 oz raspberries
1½ tablespoons cranberry juice
4 gelatin sheets
or 2 teaspoons gelatin powder
0.4 cup apple juice
12.3 oz mascarpone cheese
approx 14 savoiardi biscuits

Raspberry sauce:
8.8 oz raspberries
powdered sugar to taste

Beat cream, sugar and vanilla sugar firm and foamy. Put raspberries and cranberry juice in a food processor or mixer and make a puré. Stir this into the cream. Soak the gelatin sheets in cold water for 5 minutes or do as you normally do with the powder. Pour 1½ tablespoons of the apple juice in a small saucepan and bring to boiling point. Squeeze out the liquid from the gelatin and melt them in the saucepan. Cool slightly before stirring it into the cream mixture.

Add mascarpone and stir to a smooth mixture. Dress an oblong baking pan with high walls with plastic foil. Spoon a layer of batter in the bottom. Dip the biscuits quickly in the apple juice and divide them on top of the creme. Alternate creme and biscuits and finish with creme. Cover the pan and store in a cold place, preferably overnight.

Put the raspberries in the food processor and mix until smooth. Flavor to taste with powdered sugar. 

Unmould the tiramisú and cut in slices. Serve with the sauce. Decorate if desired with lemon balm and some fresh raspberries.



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