Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Spicy risotto - Kryddig risotto

Kryddig risotto

Risotto with corn is a perfect, easy-to-make everyday dish which we’re trying out for dinner today. Basil, garlic and finely chopped leek gives a twang. Serve with salad and bread. It’s not really adequate to call it a risotto since you don’t add the bouillon little by little, but of course you can do as you prefer. :-D

4 servings

2 leeks
3/4 cup long-grained rice
or other rice you think is good for risotto
about 2 cups bouillon
1 can corn, approx 12 oz
1 package frozen peas, approx 7 oz
½ teaspoon dried basil
2 crushed garlic cloves
5 oz smoked ham
finely chopped parsley
finely chopped leek
some tomato paste or chili sauce

Rinse, trim and shred the leek. Save some for decoration. Put leek, rice and bouillon in a saucepan, heat it all up and let the rice boil until all liquid is gone, approx 20 minutes.

Drain the corn (you don’t want the sweet liquid in the risotto). Add corn and peas to the rice and flavour with basil and garlic. Shred the ham and quickly sizzle it up in a dry, hot frying pan, then add them to the rice. Pour the risotto in a bowl, sprinkle with parsley and leek and drizzle some tomato purée or chili sauce on top.

Serve with a large bowl of tossed salad and some bread, if you wish.



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