Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Coffee fromage - Kaffefromage


This is a delicious finish for a lovely dinner. The fromage can be made one day in advance and stored cold until serving. Let’s get out our gelatin sheets! :-D

4 servings

8 gelatin sheets = 4 teaspoons powdered gelatin
1 cup strong coffee
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup  heavy cream
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla sugar
2 tablespoons coffee liqueur or cognac

chocolate mocha beans

Soak the gelatin in cold water for at least 5 minutes. Mix the coffee with half the amount of sugar and 1/3 cup cream in a saucepan. Warm up gently. Beat the egg yolks with some of the warm coffee mixture, then pour the “egg yolk coffee") in the saucepan and heat to boiling point.

Remove the saucepan from heat and add the squeezed gelatin. Allow the mixture to cool – you can put those thingies from the freezer under the bowl or saucepan – and stir occasionally until it thickens (could take up to 30 minutes, patience is a virtue!). Flavour with alcohol and vanilla sugar.

Beat the egg whites until stiff, then beat in the sugar, little by little. Gently turn the egg whites into the coffee crème. Beat remaining cream and blend this in. Pour the fromage in a bowl or in serving glasses and store in a cold place. Decorate with chocolate mocha beans just before serving.


(who doesn’t like coffee except when it’s cold and mixed with cream
or ice cream …)

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