Friday, April 26, 2019

Fine Wheat Buns - Fina vetebullar

Fina vetebullar

These buns are really festive, almost like Danish. The butter filling, with both cardamom and lemon, is especially good. Make a large batch and freeze for future needs!

Makes approx 100 buns

3½ oz active compressed yeast, especially for
sweetbread if you can get that
4 cups milk
0.8 cup sugar
12 cups flour
4 teaspoons ground cardamom

5½ oz room-tempered butter or margarine
1.2 cup sugar
4 teaspoons ground cardamom
grated zest from 3 lemons
0.8 cup raisins (optional)

For brushing and decoration:
beaten egg
crushed loaf sugar

Crumble the yeast in a mixing bowl. Melt the fat. Pour in the milk and warm to body heat. Dissolve the yeast in some of the mixture and add the rest. Blend in sugar, cardamom and most of the flour. Save about 1.2 cups flour for baking. Work the dough until smooth and pliable and leave to rise in a warm, draught-free place for about 40 minutes.

Scrub the lemons well and grate off the zest. Stir fat, sugar, cardamom and lemon zest and heat the oven to 480F.

Take up the dough and knead until pliable. Split in 4 parts, equal in size. Roll out each part to an oblong cake, spread with the filling and roll up the dough. Cut in even-sized pieces and put them in paper tins. Let rise for about 20 minutes. Brush with beaten egg and sprinkle with the crushed loaf sugar.

Bake at 480F for about 7 minutes or until puffed up, nicely colored and done.



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