Sunday, April 28, 2019

Sliced Liver with Fried Onions - Skivstekt lever med lökfräs

Skivstekt lever med lökfräs

Liver is a delicacy if you cook it right (meaning you just fry it for a few minutes and then served straight away. If you cook liver for too long, or keeping it warm for too long before serving, it becomes tough and hard. That's why you should start with the sauce and other things when you cook liver in slices).

Serves 4

1 1/3 lbs sliced liver of veal or young beef cattle
3½ oz bacon
½ tablespoon butter or margarine
salt, White pepper

Onion sauce:
1 large onion
1 tablespoon butter or margarine
2 tablespoons flour
1.2 cup bouillon
salt, White pepper

Chop the onion for the sauce and sauté it lightly until golden in the fat. Sprinkle with flour and dilute with bouillon. Let the sauce boil for a couple of minutes, flavor with salt and pepper and keep warm.

Fry the bacon slices until brown and crisp in some fat. Take them up and keep warm. Put in the sliced liver and fry for 3 to 5 minutes per side. Flavor with salt and pepper.

Put the liver on a warm serving plate with the bacon on the side. Pour some of the onion sauce over the meat and the rest around it.

Serve with boiled or mashed potatoes or rice, and a tossed green salad or a finely shredded green cabbage salad with lemon dressing.



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