Saturday, December 26, 2020

Small Rhubarb Almond Pies - Små rabarberpajer med mandelmassa

Små rabarberpajer med mandelmassa

4 pies

Pie dough:
7 oz almond paste
3½ oz room-tempered butter
1 egg
0.2 cup flour

5½ oz diced rhubarb
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon potato starch
flaked almonds

Roughly grate the almond paste and blend in the butter. Add the egg while stirring vigorously. Sift in the flour and quickly work the dough together. 

Soften the rhubarb in a saucepan together with sugar, only enough for them to keep their shape. Allow to cool. Spread out the pie dough in small pie pans, diameter approx 5", springform type. Pour off any surplus liquid from the rhubarb and stir in potato starch. Divide the rhubarb in the pie pans and top with flaked almonds. Bake at 347F for 18 to 20 minutes until the filling has only just set. Loosen the pies when slightly cooled.

Serve with something vanilla or whipped cream.



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